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1 Places We Investigated
Here's some of the places we investigates
Carousel Garden Restaurant
Children take everything in stride, and this includes ghosts, as well as other paranormal phenomenon,they see them, hear them sometimes
hold conversatiions with them. They usually do not question that they are real. It is mostly because, they have not yet been "programmed" to
believe that there is no such thing as a ghost. Children will often talk about or pick out deceased relatives from family photos, describing how,
so and so will visit with them and talk to them.
A very common occurance is children who have imaginary friends, they are often caught playing or talking to someone that is not visible to the adults
eyes, most of the time they are human spirits but sometimes, negative spirits will disguise themselves to gain the trust of an innocent child. Children are
not only open to loving deceased relatives or spirit children, visiting, but unfortnatley, can also become targets of the negative/demonic type spririts.
In negative hauntings we find children experience, night terrors, are terrified to sleep alone, in the ark.They will describe, monsters with big teeth, or
black hooded smaller creatures, that scare them, they may complain of hearing voices or hearing their name being called. They will have trouble in
school learning, focusing and they may develope behavioral problems. We work with many children,who are experiencing human and demonic
hauntings, our focus is to empower the child, so they dont have to be afraid .Having had childhood experiences, I am personally aware of the dangers
and demage the negative side of the paranormal can afflict.
Animals are natural sensitives, how many times have you heard of a family pet, warning their owner something bad was about to happen, just
before it did. I strongly believe they are able to see into the spirit realm, and can experience clairvoyance,precognition along with being telepathic.
For this reason,My heart goes out to any calls that involve animals in a haunted location, being a big animal lover and activist, I know what happens
to our poor furry victims. Pets who are always in protective mode ,can not relax if spirits are in the room be it human or inhuman. Animals are unable
to voice whats truly going on, in extreme hauntings we find animals, being hurt, kicked,pushed and terrorized by unseen forces. With all negative and
demonic hauntings, their only intent is to cause harm, what better way to get to a person, but through their loved pet
Demonic possession is very rare, but also very real, there is an exorcist right at this moment somewhere performing an exorcism.
In Catholicism cases of demonic possession-in which demons battle for a persons soul, are dealt with by formal exorcism rites that
date back to 1614. The days of it being shrouded in secrecy,is still somewhat common.For the non believers its usually referred to
as medieval superstition,but you may be surprised to know that the vatican has a vastly large army of exorcist priest in training, on
an on going basis. Italy alone has about 400 trained exorcists, ready to do battle with evil.Exorcism by the catholic church, in this
day and age, is taken very seriously.
Full demonic possession, happens when a persons body and will are taken over completely by a demon or demons. it is believed that
the "victim" must give some type of permission to the demon, before a full possession can takes place, either intentionally, or unintentionally.
There is usually a long process, and the demon breaks down its victim's will a little at a time. Some believe, that certain laws exist in the spirit
realm, some that demons must abide by and boundaries they cannot cross. More common, and something that we see much too often as
paranormal investigators is "oppression" or partially possesed, where someone is heavily influenced by a demon/ negative spirit, the beginning
stages, weakening them and at times disorienting them.In this state, the victim,may show signs of a full possession,then return back to their
normal state. Negative or Demonic activity usually includes, black mists and masses , knocking rappings in threes, footsteps or hoof sounding
steps through out the house.Scratching inside the walls,dark shadows, foul smells,hot/cold spots,unshakable feelings of dread, deep depression,
illness, religious objects may be desecrated, an atmosphere of pure evil, and phantom animals are just a few of the phenomenon that can occur.
*Some believe, "shadow people" are actually the gate keepers of Hell.
* The only goal of the demonic is to torture,harass and to destroy life.
There are two types of spirits encountered in a true haunting. The most common is human, and the other is inhuman. An inhuman
has never walked the earth in human form. Some claim inhumans are inclined to be negative or malevolent type hauntings, negative
in nature.
There are many reasons for human hauntings, if a location has had a great deal of suffering,pain trama,fear or desperation that energy
can be trapped. If a person suddenly dies,in an accident or is murdered, he or she may not know they are no longer alive. They can also
be in denial and refuse to accept their death and not want to move on.
Caught in between the worlds, they will either return to what for them was a normal state ,such as going back to the home they loved,
to oversee how their affairs are being handled. In cases where a new tenant moves in and starts renovating,if the changes are unacceptable
to the previous owner or "ghost",this can cause a haunting.
Some souls have unfinished bussiness,and can't leave until those issues are resolved. A murder victim, who can't rest until their muderer
is brought to justice.Or a promise that hasnt been fullfilled. Human hauntings just want to be acknowledeged, or may want your help,
they may do subtle,things like moving small objects,theory is, no heavier than 3-8 pounds.One may experience floral smells,laughter,
voices or be lucky or unlucky enough to witness a full bodied apparition.
Some homes may be built on indian burial grounds ,unholy ground or cursed plots.these locations cause an array of activity being
experienced, and mostly always negative.
Demonic hauntings,are the more severe type hauntings, and are very dangerous, only people who have experience with the demonic,
should handle this type of haunting, their main purpose is to cause harm ,and destroy life ,with the ultimate goal of full possesion and the
taking of ones soul . Physical harm, like scratches and burn marks can appear, along with pychological harm. Initially, one person is the main
target, but eventually,as activity escalades the whole family is affected. The activity includes dark shadows, black mist, nightmares ,rotting flesh
smell, loud banging noises, large objests can be seen levitaing , such as heavy furniture,are just some of the activity,experienced with this type
of haunting. With demonic or negative hauntings,a priest , shaman or depending on the religon,that is followed, will perform blessings or
deliverance prayers.
There's always a hesitation on the part of the caller who contacts a paranormal group for the first time. When answering the phone I can always tell its a paranormal call. The caller is relieved to speak to someone, yet there's a hesitation, like did I really make this call?? I immediately try to assure the caller that I will listen to whatever they tell me with an open mind and I ask of them to give me all the details of the paranormal activity, as they will not be judged. I also remind them I investigate the paranormal, and that it can't get any more bizzare, than that. They usually relax and their experience is told in full.
By the time a family contacts a paranormal group, they have usually had a very startling event. Itt was that one breaking point that makes them run to the internet and research a team. Paranormal activity dosent always start off with a bang. It starts off small and most of the time goes unnoticed, a possible footstep, or shadow. Maybe one thinks they just heard their name whispered, or a not so normal noise in the next room. Often just making one wonder if they really heard or saw something. It's not until the activity increases, getting louder and more intense. They cannot explain whats going on- except, they believe it may be paranormal. The nosies are real attention grabbers and the family might even see a full bodied apparition. Most cases involve opening spirit doors. Human hautings usually are caused by a spirit who has unfinished business, hasn't accepted his or her demise, or is being held by a loved one who can not let go. Negative hautings on the other hand, are mostly invited either intentionally or unintentionally, but one must always give permission. We believe there are certain "spirit laws" that all spirits must abide by. Whether human or demonic. Some of the causes of negative hauntings include the use of a ouija boards, allowing a spirit to use your body when channeling, dabbling in the black arts, and conjuring demonic spirits in ceremonies. These are just a few of the actions that "invite" & open spirit doors, allowing negative phenomena into your life. People susceptible to negative/demonic energy are the elderly, children (mostly because they are the easiest targets),drug users, alcoholics, santanists and violent criminals. So any negative thoughts and actions of course attract a negative reactions. Once spirit doors are open it is very difficult to close them.
Rose Porto founder of CT Spirit Investigators/researchers
An orb is a circular, white solid,or oblique in color, ball of light.They appear most commonly on photographs and video.
They are also occasionally witnessed flying and dancing with the naked human eye. In the paranormal world, the theory on orbs, are many.Some believe they are nothing but dust, bugs, reflections, floating particles or moisture. Of course there are those who believe they are spirit energy.Many psychics communicate with orbs,many others claim they are affected negatively by them.
It is believed that spirits travel in this form of an orb or a spirit ball of light, and what we are seeing in photos, is just that. My experience with orbs is that they seem to be, everything I mentioned above . We have seen,dust ,moisture and bugs, in many of our evidence videos.
We have also seen, orbs, that seem to be very photogenic and on a mission, that follow us and sometimes appear to have intelligence behind them. As paranormal investigators,we always capture orbs. Any place that seems to have a haunting. We find orbs. Many people have their own pictures of orbs, they tend to be overly active, at parties, weddings and funerals. Anywhere.families gather. Orbs also tend to be present around children and pets, almost acting in a protecting role.
But are orbs, the souls of the dearly departed? Are they guardian angels? or as some believe nature spirits? Could they be some type of other magical life force all its own. I have heard they can also be protoplasm, except in a higher form, somewhat like what you would find under a microscope.
Orbs also sometimes appear in color, we have seen,blues, greens, purple and even red ones. Some believe the different colors have different meanings as to what type of spirit or energy it is. For the thousand of orbs I've seen, not only in photos, I have witnessed them with my eyes too.Orbs still have there mystery to them. As much as I would like to say I have an answer, I don't, so I have provided some of my own orb pictures,and leaving it up to the reader to decide, for themselves as to what are orbs?
Dolls have been around for centuries, they have a certain energy all their own.Some dolls talk, walk or are physically modeled to look like the child they are being purchased for. Dolls are a big part of our culture. Or any culture. Yet ,many find them uncomfortable or even creepy. Some dolls are cute, with their miniature perfect features. Some regal in their elegant clothing not to be played with by little hands. They are just treasured in glass cases and displayed as collector items. So why do some of us see dolls as evil and sinister?.... well voodoo dolls don't help the situation much, and now movies about demonic dolls have unfortunately sealed the faith for any antique or peculiar looking dolls. It's not surprising that people especially now will reconsider buying old dolls.
Back in the day dolls were simply made from everyday scraps or items like a corn husk-now they are equipped with interactive computer chips. From Barbies to Victorians-boy or girl we have all played with a doll at one point in our life.I know I could speak for many who have even looked twice when in the company of doll to make sure it didn't move.
Now thanks to the horror film "Annabelle" some of our childhood fears about dolls come to life and light is being shed about many true paranormal cases that involve demonic dolls. The one that the movie is based on took place in the 1970's. It involved a doll that was purchased at a consignment store and it was gifted to a nurse and her roommate. It wasn't long before the doll seemed to move on it's own quickly causing a great deal of fear for these roommates.
The doll became more sinister and was deemed manipulated by the dark forces or as some of us would refer to as demons and devils. Of course anything that involves negative forces as we know is never a good thing!
The doll involved was really named "Annabelle" her appearance quite different then the Hollywood version . The case was investigated by our own renowned Ct investigators-the Warrens.As the movie precisely exposes the real path the doll and the people connected to it took. The real doll how ever claimed a few more victims. The story goes that some non believers who came in contact with Annabelle taunted and made fun of it- found themselves in automobile and other unexplained "accidents"The doll today after being blessed by a priest is safely stored in a glass case at the Warrens museum. With strict signs on keeping your distance and not to touch her case. No more incidents have been reported, even years later.
My team and I had our own run in with a "creepy" doll. We were called by a family who believed their 70 plus year old Victorian doll- seemed to move on it's own. One night all were awaken as the doll was thrown by unseen hands across to the opposite side of the room.
The family being very religious decided to place blessed rosary beads wrapped around the doll. To their horror, the next night they experienced the worst activity ever. Heavy disembodied footsteps, where heard and all members of the family experienced sleep paralysis, but the thing that frightened them the most was finding the rosary beads ripped apart, all beads scattered on the floor and off the doll.
During our initial investigation, we captured pictures of the doll's eyes changing
one would close, then the other would, when we asked for signs that the doll did indeed harbor a spirit.
A priest quickly was called in and a Christan mass was said in the house, along with a mini exorcist performed on the doll. As the priest was praying over the doll he was overtaken with emotion, it's never a good feeling when you see a priest breakdown. All present continued to nervously pray- only after several hours and many prayers did the house feel lighter- as if the darkness and negative force had been lifted.All present confident we had conquered the negative energy.
After that case, I don't look at dolls the same way.
A friend of mine Mario Anthony Icabucci who travels frequently had just returned from California,and was amazed that on one of the local beaches he witnessed a vendor selling "haunted dolls" could've been just a good marketing idea. But he claimed the movie actually influenced many to stand in line and purchase their own doll. His concern was that the doll or dolls would end up in innocent hands. That being very much the case ,we often see happen as a paranormal team.Mario informed me that he wasn't getting too close to take a picture, but he did manage some good shots-the dolls were labeled as "vintage haunted" and there was a sign that warned "buyer beware"! It's amazing that people would actually purchase them and taking a risk of possibly bringing something very evil into their world.
My team and I did go see "Annabelle" and we were very happy with the way the movie exposes the truth of what evil has the power of doing. We hope that people take the paranormal seriuosly. The doll or any object becomes a vessel for evil, it uses it to win our trust and once it dose that- it's true intentions quickly become apparent and the nightmare begins. Yes we are dealing with toys... But it's no game!!
Rose Porto
CT Spirit Investigators & Researchers
When a loved one passes, even the most skeptic of the afterlife question if "they are really in a better place".
Almost everyone who has lost someone, will receive messages or signs after the death of someone they were close to.
Some signs could just be as random as hearing their favorite song, or smelling their perfume- seeing their favorite numbers somewhere,ect.
Signs or messages that instantly bring thoughts of your loved one, are more than just coincidence.
Dreams are another very important way for loved ones to visit or send us messages, telling us what we so desperately need to hear, that they are okay. Very vivid dreams, where all the details are so clear and real that the dreamer wakes questioning if what happened was indeed - just a dream? Can very well be visitations.
Many who have lost loved ones want messages right away- when we loose someone we love we are emotionally blocked-unable to receive messages right away, we are dealing with loss, depression,sorrow and grief, all emotions that make it impossible for our beloved to reach us, it's like a brick wall for them to get through. We must first deal with all those emotions before our souls,hearts and minds are clear enough and open to accept our loved ones spirit visitation.
All visitations,instantly bring comfort -please cherish these moments as precious gifts and do not doubt them! Our loved ones are still reaching out to us when ever we need them- & they will continue to visit us!
- Headaches/nausea
- Fatigue/stress/depression
- Paranoia/Hallucinations
- feeling of being watched
- trouble breathing or heaviness in the chest
- Anxiety
- Seizures
- insomnia
- ringing in the ears
- skin rashes
- eye and sinus pain
- All forms of Cancer
- Tumors
- lymphoma
- Alzheimer's disease/Lou Gehrigs disease
- melanoma
- birth defects/miscarriages
- childhood cancers
(EMF)-Electronic magnetic field is the natural "energy charge" that surrounds objects or emitted by everyday appliances(more from older ones). The cause of emf can be both natural or man made. The reason we as paranormal investigators pay close attention to emf readings, is that often it is a sign that a ghostly presence or spirit is near- but not only that, high emf can cause some disturbing effects. It can cause people to believe they are experiencing the paranormal, I will explain further.
Some effects of more serious long term,and also short term exposure can cause serious impact on our health. When we sweep the home for emf readings we are trying to find areas that register high emf readings on our meters. Not only will high emf alert us of "changes" in the electro-magnetic field, which at times will point to a ghost being present. The impact emf has on people living at locations with high emf, is more alarming than just having a spirit present. This is were our job becomes complicated, we must decide when the emf detected is indeed paranormal and when its just the harmful effects of high emf exposure
Some effects of high emf exposure include:
More severe effects are:
As you can see most symptom can also be easily mistaken for a paranormal experience, especially, when the home owner notices, that when they spend good amounts of time away from their location, the symptom cease. On the other hand we also encounter locations high in emf that work as a" feeding" zone for paranormal activity,what that means is that it supports the theory ghosts need energy,to manifest and what better spot than that, one that's high in emf. Ct spirit investigators works hard to find answers, for our families who contact us for help, we will look for all logical explanations,and into claims of ghostly activity, to offer peace of mind and solutions for all and any activity, be it paranormal or otherwise.
Rose Porto founder of CT Spirit Investigators/researchers
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